Two of my four Weimaraners, now aged nearly 8 months, have had red postules like small boils or pimples mostly in their spinal area and a few on the outside of their thighs for the past two months. There are about a dozen such postules each about 2 to 2 mm in diameter and about 1 to 2 mm in height. Sometimes they result in hair loss. They have been treated with applications containing cortisone, gentamycin, orfloxacin and miconizole but without any effect. The postules do not bother the dogs in any way: they neither scratch or show pain and are supremely unconcerned. They eat and sleep well and are very active. But they do jump on each other quite a lot and it is possible that their nails scratch their skins (but no bleeding). The vets here have ruled out mites. They suspect a bacterial infection but a smear test did not reveal significant bacterial growth. The dogs do not have fleas or ticks. They are regularly treated with fipronil. One of the two Weimaraners has had two episodes of HOD causing significant thinning of the coat, possibly iatrogenic cushing's syndrome as a result of corticosteroid therapy. She has had no recurrence in now over two months and exhibits no signs of lameness. I am at my wits end about these unseemly postules which disturb the smooth lie of the hair. What should I do?HOW DO I GET RID OF BOIL LIKE FORMATIONS ALONG THE SPINAL AREA OF MY WEIMARANERS?
It would appear that you have tried topical anti bacterial and antifungal ointments without beneficial results. So it might be that the dogs are getting secondary bacterial infections from scratches during play, or far more likely simple flea bites if there might be fleas in the bedding our soft furnishings and skirting boards where the dogs go. So get some Acclaim or similar chemical and spray those areas to make sure there are no fleas lurking there. (If your dogs are regularly de-flead then the only possible place the fleas can be in in their immediate environment.)
When my dog got fleabite infections it was necessary to give her an antibiotic injection.HOW DO I GET RID OF BOIL LIKE FORMATIONS ALONG THE SPINAL AREA OF MY WEIMARANERS?
I would be very concerned about this too.
It seems your vet has reached a stalemate so I would ask for a referral to a canine dermatologist.
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