
My life is a shambles- revenge?

even years ago start taking drug finasteride aka propecia for hair loss.

Forgot about side effects and had libido problems while on the drug without knowing why.

Last year move into flatshar to save money for a house - since this recession was supposed to be worst ever and buying was mad we were told.

Flat'mate' turns out to have aspergers - didn't mention this in the ad - and hardly talks, leaves lights out, puts his clothes in my wash, turns off the heating so I'm freezing...

Have panic attack at work mid last year, thought it was because of work harassment but instead was side effect of hormone drug propecia.

Then go back on drug and **** shrinks, finally figure out the cause then stop taking drug.

A week later aspie boy has slashed my leather jacket the horrible bastard cos I looked at him funny.

He couldn't get into nightclubs so was jealous. Plus he was a middle class **** while I come from poor stock.

No living room just a small cold bedroom with crap tv so just stay in my room after work, no TV, and masturbate to internet porn all night, reducing testosterone levels more.

Tried to move out of flat but landlord tells me I have to sign new lease and stay or else move out next day, going back on his word.

Three weeks after quitting propecia my dick and balls shrink and I'm impotent for life, lose muscle, good looks and job.

Will be on testosterone replacemnet therapy for life which might not even work.

Also should add my old flatmate before the aspie knew I was taking the pills and also Viagra - cos I didn't know why i had no libido- and told my friends behind my back I used viagra but not propecia.

Should I be mad at all these characters?

Is it my fault, theirs, a bit of both or what? Should I get revenge?

Where does blame lie:

1)me for buying drug

2)aspie for lying about the flat then trying and succeeding to make my life a misery and thus making susceptibilty to drug sides worse, rendering me impotent for life?

3)Landlord for not watching the flat, allowing it to be grotty and unclean,not vetting flatmates and crucially not letting me move out and being threatening in doing so

4)Previous flatmate who knew I took propecia and had sides but didn't warn me and told friends about viagra, plus left the flat leaving me to have to find a new one

5)Previous workmate who tried to make my life a misery but harassing me and making insinuations about my background, sexuality etc

6)the drug company Merck

7)the spivs who sold me it online without warning

CHEERS FOR THE ANSWERSMy life is a shambles- revenge?
holy shite, that's a lot of information and a whole lot of problems mate!My life is a shambles- revenge?
i think u maybe to reliable,

and emotionaly delicate,

people always kick u when yr down,

this maybe yr chance to break,

away and dont worry aboot yr dick,

did yr hair grow back,

u need te get away from pricks,

good luck keep us informed.
It could be worse! you could be living in Govan next to the Gloom'a'dome and having your home pulled down to make way for Minties big 拢700 million hun complex complete with Casino to gamble away your Giro hahaha
Always look on the bright side of life te tum te tum te tum te tum.
Wow, You have a pretty good life compaired to rangers fans.
Have you tried writing to, Jim'll Fix It.
It's not all bad - you could be a Rangers fan
aye ok if you say so..
o aye tell me about im living in my bedroom my whole hoose is a shambles...im on the verge of greetin my new sofa no be delivered till the end of nov..meant to be delivered next week but theres a shippin dispute im like ARGH at everyone i made my own mother cry because i said her weddin outfits a pure mess and i just found out my 40 yeard eld aunts pregnant..shouted at her too eld tart

whats the thumbs down for? thought this was dear deirdrie i stumbled on so if he or she wants to tell her troubled woes then so will i...what ya gunna do thumb down?
ffs you haven't a lot going for you, have you? Bald and impotent is one thing but for a workmate to claim you are a ???????tell him you cannae get it up so you cannae be a???????? An ugly, skinny, bald and chemically castrated wimp who worries about someone with Asperger's ffs he is the lucky one. Look what I see here is someone yanking our chains, your having a windup mate.
Lisbon, it is spam. What these people do is they leave a question laced with keywords, in this case Viagra, Merck, no libido, testosterone relacement, impotent, etc etc - there are loads in there. Y!A stuff appears in Yahoo and Google search within minutes, and these questions laced with keywords are spammed soon after.

You will notice exactly the same thing happening when someone asks for a live stream to a game with team1 vs team2 - they do the same thing.
You could try viagra but I will tell ya what, that stuff sucks. The side effects are terrible. Have you ever tried a sexual enhancer? I was in your situation, like I said, viagra was tried but it wasn't for me considering the side effects overwhelm the pleasures of it. I found this natural herbal enhancer and figured what the heck, if it's natural it must be great and plus it said no side effects. I tried it and after about two days of taking it I was just horny like a mad man. All the time, I have erections that want to stand straight up and the orgasms are to die for. The stuff was called vigrx plus and I saved on it at the time at hughs-reviews.com , You should check it out. I love the fact it's made from a researched blend of herbs that seem to do the trick for me atleast.

Good luck and I hope this helps.
I say it's your fault for not trying to fix it yerself take it one problem at a time and get rid of them completely without having to get revenge on anyone

dont act like a little child and be an adult

