
My life is awful nowadays?

Seven years ago start taking drug finasteride aka propecia for hair loss.

Forgot about side effects and had libido problems while on the drug without knowing why.

Last year move into flatshar to save money for a house - since this recession was supposed to be worst ever and buying was mad we were told.

Flat'mate' turns out to have aspergers - didn't mention this in the ad - and hardly talks, leaves lights out, puts his clothes in my wash, turns off the heating so I'm freezing...

Have panic attack at work mid last year, thought it was because of work harassment but instead was side effect of hormone drug propecia.

Then go back on drug and **** shrinks, finally figure out the cause then stop taking drug.

A week later aspie boy has slashed my leather jacket the horrible bastard cos I looked at him funny.

He couldn't get into nightclubs so was jealous. Plus he was a middle class **** while I come from poor stock.

No living room just a small cold room with crap tv so just stay in my room after work, no TV, and masturbate all night, reducing testosterone levels more.

Tried to move out of flat but landlord tells me I have to sign new lease and stay or else move out next day, going back on his word.

Three weeks after quitting propecia my dick and balls shrink and I'm impotent for life, lose muscle, good looks and job.

Will be on testosterone replacemnet therapy for life which might not even work.

Also should add my old flatmate before the aspie knew I was taking the pills and also Viagra - cos I didn't know why i had no libido- and told my friends behind my back I used viagra but not propecia.

Should I be mad at all these characters?My life is awful nowadays?
You need Jesus. Get saved then He can help you. Jesus is God and the only way into heaven. Please pray a sincere prayer with all of your heart admitting to Jesus you are a sinner. Have full faith that His blood pays off all of your sins and accept His gift of everlasting life. I pray that God blesses you with peace. Amen.My life is awful nowadays?
I would be mad at them.

But they're not entirely to blame... I've found that people often put themselves in such situations... some people just gravitate to destruction. If you were smart, you would have stayed away from all this from the get go... but some people have to learn the hard way, I guess.

And what's the deal with all the drugs anyway? Just let it go. So you lose your hair... who cares?

You be mad at whomever you like, pal.

';There but for the grace of God...';


