
What could cause itching and hair loss in a cat?

It's NOT fleas, I use frontline on her, and have never seen evidence of fleas, no little black spots, no flea feces, not ever.

But around her neck she itches constantly, and has dug scabs, and the hair is getting very sparse, and looks like it's breaking off short as well.

she does not wear a collar of any kind, and is an indoor cat.

We recently moved to another state, and this has been going on since we moved.

What could be some causes? Anything I should do?What could cause itching and hair loss in a cat?
could be allergies or mites.

either way, you need to go to a vet to be sure--- I bet it's mites and they are microscopic.

Actually, it just occurred to me that it could be the frontline. some animals are allergic, and besides that--- it's a pesticide, going into her bloodstream. gross.

I wouldn't put that stuff on my pets.What could cause itching and hair loss in a cat?
Could be eczema due to dry air or an allergy, could be another parasite that burrows in the skin, she may have rolled in or on something that's triggered it (cats can be allergic to certain household cleaning products, the previous owners of the house may have used some product you don't)). Best to get her checked by vet.
i think the best answer is to go to a vet quick it might be somthing big and u dont now about it so plz 4 your safty and your cats go to the vet hairloss is ussally from toching her alot and not feeding her the right foods like u feed her chikin nugets and always give her milk and water but if she is iching thats because of flees lol and she is just scraching like i am as i am writing its just life !!
i hav the same problem with my cat..he licks his tail and thighs until fur starts comin out.. it was only recently has he started it. i tried using medicated soap for skin problems. i hope i hav an answer too...

