seven years ago start taking drug finasteride aka propecia for hair loss.
Forgot about side effects and had libido problems while on the drug without knowing why.
Last year move into flatshar to save money for a house - since this recession was supposed to be worst ever and buying was mad we were told.
Flat'mate' turns out to have aspergers - didn't mention this in the ad - and hardly talks, leaves lights out, puts his clothes in my wash, turns off the heating so I'm freezing...
Have panic attack at work mid last year, thought it was because of work harassment but instead was side effect of hormone drug propecia.
Then go back on drug and **** shrinks, finally figure out the cause then stop taking drug.
A week later aspie boy has slashed my leather jacket the horrible bastard cos I looked at him funny.
He couldn't get into nightclubs so was jealous. Plus he was a middle class **** while I come from poor stock.
No living room just a small cold bedroom with crap tv so just stay in my room after work, no TV, and masturbate to internet porn all night, reducing testosterone levels more.
Tried to move out of flat but landlord tells me I have to sign new lease and stay or else move out next day, going back on his word.
Three weeks after quitting propecia my dick and balls shrink and I'm impotent for life, lose muscle, good looks and job.
Will be on testosterone replacemnet therapy for life which might not even work.
Also should add my old flatmate before the aspie knew I was taking the pills and also Viagra - cos I didn't know why i had no libido- and told my friends behind my back I used viagra but not propecia.
Should I be mad at all these characters?
Is it my fault, theirs, a bit of both or what? Should I get revenge?
Where does blame lie:
1)me for buying drug
2)aspie for lying about the flat then trying and succeeding to make my life a misery and thus making susceptibilty to drug sides worse, rendering me impotent for life?
3)Landlord for not watching the flat, allowing it to be grotty and unclean,not vetting flatmates and crucially not letting me move out and being threatening in doing so
4)Previous flatmate who knew I took propecia and had sides but didn't warn me and told friends about viagra, plus left the flat leaving me to have to find a new one
5)Previous workmate who tried to make my life a misery but harassing me and making insinuations about my background, sexuality etc
6)the drug company Merck
7)the spivs who sold me it online without warning
CHEERS FOR THE ANSWERSWho is to blame for my horrible life?
liberals are to blame for it.Who is to blame for my horrible life?
According to Republicans, Obama.
read 7 habits of effective people
George Bush
You are, you ******* loser.
1. You are responsible for buying the drug.
Most baldness is hereditary - you cannot cure it.
2. You aren't responsible for your flatmate's health problems.
But you are always free to move out somewhere else.
3. If you believe your landlord is acting illegally, you can report him.
4. You are responsible for researching any drug you willingly take. Never take another person's word for it - their body can react differently to it than yours.
5. You could have reported your workmate for harassing you.
6. You bought it with your own free-will. If you believe the drug company sold you something dangerous - you can sue them.
7. You should have researched the drug online, and took all possible side-effects into consideration before you made a purchase.
Aspie boy?? Oh my lord where do I start??
First of all, the choices YOU make are your own. Its called destiny but you control it.
As for the Aspie boy comment, I'm a mum of a child with severe Autism and I fear that one day he will come into contact with someone like you, and chances are, he will. By that day I will have made him understand that co*k- ends like you are around and that he is BETTER.
So as for your question, crap happens. If you are taking any drugs, you research them. My 'Aspie' boy could have told you that and he is only 4 years old.
I hope that after reading this pathetic, woe is me question, makes the drugs work opposite and makes all of your little pathetic hairs jump right out of your head.
You are responsible for anything that you undertake to do.
Research that which you intend to do, and pay attention to small details.
Anything that which you would be intending to involve other people, get it in writing, and get it witnessed. In case of comeback.
Not the living of intelligent design with '; Designer music'; from the Book of the Living.
Look in the real world.
Decode this lyrics '; You'll see ';
';What's up';
'; 25 years';
';Above the law';
'Chain gang';
';Working class hero';
';Cold turkey';
';Alley oop';
Must be ';Pride and Prejudice'; with hear-say from the Book of the Dead?
Idol worshiping the dead Mummy who was a Leper with hear-say from the Book of the Dead?
Ruling, leading and guiding the survival of the living dead with empty pots and pans of poverty from the graveyards of different ghostly ancestor's culture and custom as cheap-skate glory and success of National Identity of a Rudeness Tribe in kicking the butts of God in not worshiping God in time?
Luke 21.30-36
Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49
Luke 9.25,55-56,60
1 Timothy 6.7
Luke 8.5-8,10-17
Luke 4.4
Revelation 22.13-17
Genesis 11.1,3-9
Revelation 16.14
Luke 3.7-9
Exodus 20.5
Luke 9.27
Exodus 20.5
Luke 24.44-45,47-48
Luke 11.33-36,46-52
Leviticus 4.13,22
Luke 2.32
Matt 5.9,14
Matt 1.17
Revelation 21.1-7
Exodus 23.24,32
What do you think?
I blame yourself for not making enquiries about the possible adverse affects of the drug.
Remember,the buck stops with you for not asking the right questions.
For my part;I have just come out of hospital because of taking asprin which caused my stomach to bleed.
Now, Who is to blame;My General Practitioner for prescribing the drug or me for not making enquiries?
First of all you desperately need to organize your problems and focus on your situation. No one is to blame, not at this stage, you just need to sort things out.
You are going to have to sit down, write about each particular issue, and what could be done to improve it.
First of all, I advise you to date specific times when certain things went bad or when a negative event happened. Arrange them by theme: one for work problems, one for health problems, one for landlord problems. For each area you are going to have to arrange a goal.
You are going to have to see a doctor and explain to him or her about your health problems, and perhaps your mental health too. You could possibly take some legal action with your experience with the drug you have been taking. But you will need to provide a log or set of dates.
I would also suggest writing to the company about the circumstances in which you lost your job/were harrassed. There is the CAB, Shelter, and all sorts of places that can help you get some support.
At the end of the day mate, you can blame other people all you want, but if you're not making things better for yourself then you've got no one else to blame.
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