
Whats on earth is going on with me?! please help?

for just over 2months my eyebrows have been falling out ALOT

like they have gotten quite gappy and thinner :(

I got my thyroid checked and it came back normal.

I'm almost 18 and i'm really scared at the moment because of this.

I haven't had hair loss anywhere else %26amp; i've been taking multivitamins

for about a month.

Do i have alopecia areata? limited to just my eyebrows cos its supposed to be very rare or is there other more likely causes?Whats on earth is going on with me?! please help?
You should consult a doctor, only a doc can say what exactly is going on with you. If you have been taking multi vitamins, you might need to change them , and take ones that works for you. and only a doc can say this. **Whats on earth is going on with me?! please help?
Most commonly it is alopecia. There could be a number of other possibilities, like pregnancy pills or certain medications. Here is a good list of possible causes: http://www.dermadoctor.com/article_Eyebr

