When I don't com it for a little while. its still curly but when I run my fingers through it a couple of pieces of hair come off. And once I brush it some come off but not patches...
I believe its perfectly normal...
but what do you think?Does cancer cause hair loss or does chemotherapy cause it?
You didn't say whether you have cancer or whether you are taking chemotherapy treatments. I can tell that cancer in itself is not usually responsible for hair loss. There are certain cancers that could cause hair loss with time but it is usually the chemotherapy that is responsible. Why? Chemotherapy kills fast growing cells and hair is a fast growing cell. Other fast growing cells is the mucosa of the integumentary tract,i.e., the mouth, throat, stomach, intestines, colon, and rectum. That is why some patients develop sore mouths and rectums when they are taking chemotherapy treatments. Now, if you are neither a cancer patient nor taking chemo, slight hair loss is normal. You have to shed some hair in order to grow new hair. Increased hair loss is common with some other disease processes such as hypothyroidism.Does cancer cause hair loss or does chemotherapy cause it?
what you are saying, and what you are asking, are 2 different things. Yes, it's the chemo that causes hair loss -- anyone can tell you that -- but what you are DESCRIBING, is normal hair loss. Are you asking if your hair loss is normal? Or, is it normal even though you are now on Chemo?
Hair falling out in a comb or by hand run through hair is normal whether you have cancer or not -- all healthy people lose up to 100 hairs a day, without knowing it. CHEMO on the other hand, causes hair to fall out without warning, slowly at first, and then in clumps. Chemo kills healthy blood cells as well as cancerous, so it attacks healthy hair cells, killing them in the process. That's what causes the hair loss.
When a person stops taking the chemo drug, the hair cells return to normal, and the hair grows back in.
Its the chemo that does it, u麓ll find that the cancer treatments cause more damage to u than the cancer does, there麓s many alternative treatments out there that cure many aggressive and advanced cancers as if it was just a minor infection.
These treatments can be just a change in diet or herbal cures.
I know of many people who were considered no-hopers by the medical community, they took alternative treatment and the cancers were gone within months, never to return, and these people continued a normal healthy life from then on.
Hair folicles normally grow for three years followed by a dormant stage then fall out naturally. 10% of your hair is in the dormant stage at any one time so finding hairs in your brush or comb is normal. If you are finding patches or bald spots it could be related to stress or alopecia.
If you are undergoing chemotherapy you will loose most of your body hair, not just on your scalp.
The chemotherapy causes hair loss. A weakened immune system, will also cause hair loss.
Are you asking whether you have cancer because some of your hair is falling out?
I haven't really seen anything suggesting it. But hair loss is common with autoimmune diseases and vitamin deficiencies. Both of these eventually lead to cancer, so I imagine that there must be some link between hair loss and cancer.
Now, chemo usually makes far more hair fall out than any of the above...
SharonW's answer is correct.
However, from my own personal experience with stage IV brain cancer, numerous chemotherapy's, radiation and other cancer related issues...hair loss was not a factor in my husbands situation. He had 6 different chemo..oral and IV chemotherapy's. He only lost patches of hair during radiation treatment. Never due to medications. So I think every person is an individual case.
Good Luck
Everyone loses hair every day. Cancer doesn't cause hair loss and I'm pretty sure you're not on chemo.
Just so you know, not all chemo causes hair loss and not everyone will lose hair on chemo. I did not lose one hair during my chemo and I was on it for 9 months.
Cancer does not cause hair loss and not all chemotherapy causes hair loss either. There are over 100 different types of chemotherapy and in some one of the side effects is loss of hair . . sometimes the hair just thins . . and in some types of chemo there is no hair loss at all
The drugs in chemotherapy cause your hair to fall out. Hair loss is normally due to stress, but to be safe, I would go to the doctor and get a check up. Good luck.
It is very normal for a person to loose 50-80 hairs a day so there is to worry about.
Here is a date: To loss 100 hear a day is safe and normal.
Fact: Chemotherapy causes hear loss.
Chemo therapy
its always chemotherapy
lmao it is, chemotherapy causes hair loss.
it's the chemo that does it.
it is the chemo;\