
Hair loss for babies?

my daughter hair fell out some months ago and she will be 1 in less than a month and it hasn't started growing back yet what can i put on it cause she has all her hair at the top of her head but none on the back and sides....oh yea she african american and i know it isn't good to put chemicalsHair loss for babies?
Babies often lose their hair during the first six months of life. This is because hair growth has two stages -- a growing stage and a resting phase -- after which it falls out. In newborns, all of the hair follicles enter the resting period at the same time. (The same process often affects the mother after delivery of the baby.) This gradual baldness is thought to be due to changing hormone levels. Before birth, the fetus has a high level of sex hormones, courtesy of his mother. After birth, these levels decline and the baby's hair falls out.

Your baby may also have bald patches on his scalp from sleeping in the same position, rubbing his head against the mattress, or as a result of banging his head against the cot. As he starts to move around more and when he stops his head-banging behaviour, this type of hair loss corrects itself.

Sometimes a baby is born with a full head of dark, straight hair, and for months afterwards, little patches of hair litter the cot. When the baby's new hair comes in it's not only a different colour, but a different texture as well.Hair loss for babies?
Don't do anything....babies lay on their heads and that's why they lose their hair on the back and sides. It will eventually come back.....some take longer than others.
I bet she looks adorable. Just relax, there's nothing you can do. Her hair will grow in naturally within time.

