
SERIOUS ANSWERS PLEASE! Addicted to Rockstar Energy Drinks!!?

I am 29 years old (female) and have been drinking Rockstars FAITHFULLY for at least 4 years. I started out drinking a couple a week, at an accelorated rate I am now drinking 2 a day (minimum). The funny thing about it is that they do not give me energy because my body has a reversed reaction to things. Therefore, I can drink a Rockstsar and go straight to sleep. That being said, I do not drink them for energy, although I have no idea why I contnue to drink them. I am COMPLETELY ADDICTED!!! I crave them, I tried to stop drinking them and can't. I seriously can not explain why I continue to drink them other than the fact that I am addicted.

The issue here is that I have been experiencing serious health issues that I believe are caused from drinking Rockstars such as:


Panic attacks

Loss of short-term MEMORY(can't remeber what I had for dinner last night)

Nervous twitches

Numbness and tingling in my hands, arms and legs


Shortness of breath

Interrupted sleep

Grinding of teeth

My body's ability to heal takes much longer than normal (cut's brusises, etc.)

High blood pressure

Mood swings (snap at the drop of a hat)

The shakes

The list goes on and on...

I have tried doing some research online and found that everyone is really unclear of real life side effects, meaning that not enough information on the side effects, other than the fact that heart palpatations, high blood pressure, etc. are a side effect, although those are a given with any type of caffine.

So I would like to hear from you what side effects you have suffered and experienced as a result of drinking Rockstars or any type of energey drink. Let me know no matter how big or small, normal or weird.

There is not enough research done on energy drinks out there so, I am conducting my own research. Please respond with only serious answers of your experiences.

THANK YOU!SERIOUS ANSWERS PLEASE! Addicted to Rockstar Energy Drinks!!?
You are right. The issues you mentioned are from too many energy drinks.

Caffeine is one of the culprits. The maximum safe level of caffeine intake per day we should consume is 300mg. Rockstars have 80mg per serving. A serving is only 8 ounces. so each can has 2 servings with 160mg. So just 2 cans a day puts you over that limit. Now for most people doing this on occasion will not harm them. But you now see the results of daily long term overuse of it.

This is also complicated by all of the other stimulants in energy drinks. Even though each serving has 80 mg of caffeine the makers of energy drinks will recommend against having more than 2 servings a day. This is because of all of the total combined stimulants even tough 2 servings leave you at 160mg of caffeine.

You do build up a tolerance too. That is why they don't give you energy any more. You seem to understand that too.

Your safest bet is to stop cold turkey. However you will probably have some pretty severe withdrawel symptems from the caffeine. If that is the case I would recommend haveing a little green tea. It has only 30mg of caffeine per serving. It should help with the cravings without overdoing the caffeine. Plus green tea is really good for you too.

It is also critical to drink plenty of water. It will really help to flush out all of the toxins currently in your system. Most people don't get enough as it is. For proper hydration and health we need 1 ouce for every 2 pounds of body weight plus 8 more ounces for every 20 minute of exercise or activity we do. With hot/dry days and climates we need even more. Caffeine dehydrates us so more is needed to offset that. I recommend 1 extra ounce for every 5 mg of caffeine consumed.

Good luck. I know it won't be an easy recovery.

RCASERIOUS ANSWERS PLEASE! Addicted to Rockstar Energy Drinks!!?
a) Contact a doctor

b) Slowly go back to only drinking a few a week [like, slowly. - 1/2 a can per week since the addiction is really serious until you have reached like 3-5 cans per week again. it's really hard to stop completely and suddenly, so yeah. :) ]

c) Drink more water to dilute the amount of Rockstar that is in your stomach

d) Do all of the above :D
well you can wean yourself off or you can go cold turkey. cold turkey will probably worsen the symptoms, so try to wean yourself off. Just drink less a day, and instead of carrying a rockstar all day, carry a water bottle
You shouldn't drink so much. The most I ever drank was 2 drinks a day. I know someone who bought 100 of them to break a record. He drinks about 7 drinks a day. I never really suffer from side effects. Try cutting down on them.
well im 14 and drink atleast 1 rockstar a day and no side effects besides gettin hyper alot and im male i dont no any girl that drinks it soo i dont no if its just girls or what sorry
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