
Is There Something Wrong with my Dog?

My Dog has been out of sorts recently. He is a Yorkshire Terrier and is almost One. He has had many Problems in Different Situations.

1. When we got him, he had certain Bowl Problems. He could not Release Waste Properly. Mostly Through Constipation and the hair on his bottom making it very painful to go. Although i spent about 2 Hours Shaving his Behind and Feeding him wheatabix, The Situation has barely Changed. He still Finds Himself Having trouble with the hair on his bottom and the Size the waste is coming out at. I am loosing Options on what to do. I cannot keep bathing him then spending hours getting it off his behind. To make it worst Today he couldn't even lift his legs nor sit down. Anyone?

2. Throat: During the Few First weeks of having our Dog, we were moving a old couch out. He is 'spooked' by anything that changes in the house and jumped at my father's Legs. In shock he dropped the chair were it landed on his Neck. He could not breath properly and we took him vet. She gave him a anti-inflammatory needle which helped. Although a week later he started acting strange. He does a odd kind of cough/choke. He repeats this about three times although he does not cough anything up. He also does a strange belching repeatably. Although the vet claims hes fine. But every time i take him a walk i know the vets wrong. He does a REALLY Loud choking noise when trying to run ahead of the lead. It sounds like a really croaky duck noise. I think its serious and need advice or help. Anyone?

3. He is Lactose Intolerant. No matter what i do. He always gets his hands on chocolate. Floor, bins, cups, dishes, next door, garden, bin bags. So he comes in and vomits. Its not a good lifestyle as chocotlate causes cancer and vomit causes weight loss. He really is strange, he will eat anything, but once chocolate or chewing gum comes into the question he will hunt it down. He takes gum off shoes, wrappers and bins. Its very hard to beat him. We have taken action with Proper Metal Bins for the garden. We have cut off any openings to others gardens and kept chocolate off the floor. Though he still comes vomiting from chocolate. Is there anything i can do??? Anyone?

Any Advice on anything here????? Please Reply ASAP tyty.Is There Something Wrong with my Dog?
1) Feed him a better diet. Never weetabix or any other inappropriate cereal. I prefer a species specific raw diet to commercial food, but there are perhaps better commercial foods you could find. Keep his coat short and groom him regularly so that faeces does not become entangled in his coat.

2) The strange noise could be reverse sneezing. If he does this, just hold your hand gently over his nose for a few seconds until he takes air in through his mouth and this will clear it. He may have an elongated soft palate which is causing this, but usually it is not life threatening. Your dogs is choking because it is pulling hard on the collar and lead. swap the collar for a harness and train it not to pull.

3) All dogs are lactose intolerant. They should not be given milk. Chocolate is a different thing altogether and is poisnous to dogs. Your dog should NEVER be allowed to eat chocolate, it could kill him. Google it ! Tidy up, clear up, do not leave wrappers or chocolate anywhere the dog can get to them., He is only little so that should not be difficult. Remove bins that he cam get to. Tidy your garden up and do not leave rubbish out.

The above advice is only due to you saying your vet has examined th dog and found nothing wrong, if you are still worried ask for a second opinion.

#Is There Something Wrong with my Dog?
Why not see a canine internal medicine vet? Your vet can refer you to one. No one here is qualified to diagnose your dog's many problems. i would never trust my dog's health to total strangers online, so why do you?
He's an overly curious puppie, who's probably not going to survive. Sorry Mate, but Darwinism is real, your dog is proving it
Seek help from a veterinarian.

Seek help from an animal behaviorist and/or dog trainer.
Chocolate will kill your dog--you need to do everything in your power to keep any and all chocolate from your dog. Seriously--it is not a matter of 'cancer'. Chocolate contains theobromine which is deadly to dogs--especially little ones.

As for the 'honking' duck noise--many small breeds get 'reverse sneezing' which causes this. My chihuahua gets it sometimes.

they can also get a collapsed trachea and should wear a harness--not a collar. A harness keeps the pressure OFF their throat.

As for the other bowel situation--dogs cannot digest the enzyme in dairy--so they should not have dairy.

he needs fiber, poor little guy. I'm surprised the vet didn't give you sound advice as to what to do.

Canned pumpkin is something that may help.

Copying this from another site on constipation and dogs;

There are several home remedies for treating constipation in dogs. You need only choose one.

A good source of dietary fiber is Grape-Nuts Flakes. For a dog the size of yours, try one teaspoon mixed into her food (twice or three times a day) until the constipation clears. If you don't see improvement in a day or two, you can try 2 teaspoons. Better going slow, than over-doing it and giving your dog diarrhea.

Canned pumpkin (pure pumpkin, the kind used in pies) is an excellent source of fiber that can make your dog regular again, plus most dogs seem to really enjoy it. Try mixing a a teaspoon or two into your pet's food, or just let her lick it off the spoon.

Another choice is powdered psyllium seed (1 teaspoon with meals), or mineral oil on a short-term basis for a large fecal buildup (1 tsp to 2 tsp added to food twice a day for no more than a week). Mineral oil should not be used longer than that because it removes vitamin A from the body and the dog may become dependent on it for elimination. Milk of magnesia (up to 2 tbsp a day) may also be used.

Another simple constipation cure is increased exercise, which will massage internal organs and increase blood flow in the colon. Taking your dog out for at least 20 minute to romp twice times a day is an excellent to get her system moving in the right direction.

Some dogs get constipated simply because they haven't had the time or opportunity to go. The longer your pet keeps it in, the hardier and drier the stool gets. That can lead to problems fairly quickly. It's important to give your pets many of potty time. Again, try to let your dog out several times a day.

You didn't say what you're feeding your puppy. Vets recommend buying pet food that contains 7 to 13 percent fiber. You'll find the fiber percentage on the label. Regularly eating a high-fiber diet,your pet may never be constipated again.

If the constipation does not clear up within a two days of whichever treatment you try, or your dog shows signs of serious pain then you should take her to the vet or a thorough examination.

Hope this helps. Look up reverse sneeze and tracheal collapse for more info. Goood luck
wow... we've got a lot of issues here...

first... it sounds like your dog may have a GI problem...

second... maybe his stools are too big?

Is there something that the vet has prescribed to help soften his stools?

Have you tried taking him to the groomer to get his rear shaved good?

I know it's a lot of work.

Now... on to the other problems... are you sure it's chocolate he's eating?

Try taking him to a trainer who can specalize in your dogs behaviour...

Mabe he's bored?

as for the coughing... I'd take him to another vet and have an XRay done...

maybe when the chair fell on him it moved smething in his throat...

Pleas take good care of this special dog and ensure he gets the best care possible...

Oh another thing too, could there be a genetic problem with the dog and the stools or have a deformity in his GI area?
First thing I would do is change vets. The problem with constipation and not sitting down? That is a bowel/intestinal problem. This could very well be serious. He needs a fecal, blood work and xrays.

The throat thing sounds like a collapsed trachea. What can be done for it I don't know but certainly do NOT walk him with a collar. Use a harness.

The fear thing is related to his health issues. When a dog is sick, not feeling well his behavior will become erratic. The eating 'anything' is probably also directly related to his physical issues.

I also recommend feeding a very high quality of dog food. Once you get to a good vet, change his food if you are feeding a less than an excellent food with no additives or fillers.

Call around and find a better vet. Insist on what I suggested above and absolutely have his trachea checked.

Good luck and let me know what happens if you can. I am concerned for this poor little guy.

Hey Lindsay? Open up for email. I want to talk to you.
Throat problems sound like collapsed trachea which is very common in yorkies. Don't use a collar for walking %26amp; no over excitement.

Vet for his digestive/bowel issues though what is going in is his probably his problem. Get a 2nd opinion if you aren't getting answers from your current vet.

Dogs are lactose intolerant which is why milk is a bad idea. Chocolate is toxic %26amp; sugarless gum can be also. Keeping everything away from dog is part of dog-proofing your home %26amp; part of training for dog. Keeping dog out of trash is the owner job %26amp; responsibility %26amp; part of his health issues.

