
Does China Slim Tea Dieter's Delight Cause Any Side Effects?

I've been drinking this tea daily for a few months now because I can go without using the restroom for weeks and this helps me to go everyday, but has anyone experienced a lot of hair loss, or more acne on their face?Does China Slim Tea Dieter's Delight Cause Any Side Effects?
it can cause hair loss!Does China Slim Tea Dieter's Delight Cause Any Side Effects?
The dieter's tea is a diuretic... it forces your body to lose water. This increases your bathroom uses (as you mentioned).

Overall, it's not a good way to lose weight since all you're doing is losing water... not reducing fat.

Hair loss and acne are due to genetics, but if you're malnourshing your body, then your body reacts. I'm not saying the dieter's tea is doing that, but you really shouldn't use it as often as you have been - daily for months.
Maybe yes,include Beta-carotene in your diet to avoid risk of hair loss

Beta-carotene is found in green and yellow vegetables and fruits(especially ripen mangoes)
look up the ingredients

