I've been experiencing the worst fatigue. I've been anemic before, I've been severely malnourished before, but I have NEVER felt this weak. I can't walk 300 feet without needing to sit and getting out of breath. If I'm standing, I have to keel over and lean against something. When I stand up, I'm orthostatic. I'm dizzy, I lose sight, blood rushes to my head, and my balance is completely off.
On top of all this, I have body pain everywhere. Many of my bones AND joints hurt, but the ';stumps'; of my entire right hand are swollen. I have not hurt my hand, and my other hand feels exactly the same, just no swelling. My hands and feet are VERY cold all the time. I put them on my stomach or legs to warm them and there is a considerable difference in temperature. Lately, my face has been getting flushed at random times. I don't have a fever, but my face gets so hot and red. I use my face to warm my hands, which helps.
What can cause this? I am so scared and in so much pain. I had a CBC, but won't get the results until next week. I had some neurological problems a few months ago and was supposed to have an MRI/EEG, but could not for insurance purposes. I don't know if these issues are related. I have a history of anemia and in my adolescence was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, but it was never like this and it went away (and never came back) right after I was diagnosed.
I'm also very sensitive lately; prone to bouts of anger and crying. My hair has been falling out in huge clumps and it's turning red (I have never dyed my hair. Have not switched shampoos either).
I maintain a healthy diet and up until recently was active. I do not take any drugs, illicit or otherwise. I don't drink. I'm not on the pill and there is no chance of pregnancy.Cold extremities, flushed face (no fever), hair loss, swollen/sore fingers, fatigue %26amp; shortness of breath?
If I were you I would have my doctor begin looking at auto immune diseases, particularly systemic lupus. This is just speculation of course but that is the direction I would follow.Cold extremities, flushed face (no fever), hair loss, swollen/sore fingers, fatigue %26amp; shortness of breath?
true fibro doesn't go away--you may have been misdiagnosed..
people who have recovered pro ably didn't have fibro
look up sjogerns
It sounds like you've got a few things going on in your body so I'll try to address them one at a time.Fatigue[a lot of times your body will alert you to extreme iron deficiency in the way you've described]spinach or molasses is what I use.For the muscle and joint pain[your body will alert you to potassium deficiency]bananas here.The respiratory problem and from what other symptoms you described leads me to believe you have some kind of infection going on[the worlds strongest natural antibiotic]bee pollen will clear that up.To help with your hair problem[jello]the protein will give your body what it needs to help correct the problem.The cold extremities and flushing is caused by poor circulation[mothers wort]will correct and a side effect is clearing all congested material out of the veins and heart[no more cholesterol]
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