
I have heard regarding human sleep and sleep loss...?

that for every hour or fraction of an hour we loss from our 8 hours sleep each night, we need to double that lost amount and add it to our next 8 hours nights sleep? this has been driving me crazy because I am trying to get 8 hours every night and I don't and the next night I can't even get the needed 8 hrs. let alone the doubled lost hours . Is this true? and does this cause sleep debt? I must say when I sleep less than 8 hours I do feel so tired and my hair feels thin and I feel stressed out. Any solutions on how I can get 8 restful hours of sleep (not broken sleep as I have been getting)I have heard regarding human sleep and sleep loss...?
no such thing. normal is 6 to 9 hrs. Thomas Edison slept more Ben Franklin slept less than 6
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