
What causes hair loss in rabbits?

She is already very sick and being treated but she has a ton of hair loss all over her body. She is sick because she has a large tumor under her chin which is causing her not to be able eat. I am force feeding her for now. She is 6-7 years old and broke her back leg and is unable get up from lying down alone. She has lost control over some areas on her body too. She is very willing to eat though. She also has a hard time urinating. What should I do and what causes the hair loss? I know I have to take her to the vet but what can I do until then?What causes hair loss in rabbits?
Her general condition and age is causing hair loss.

I really do suggest that she is put to sleep by the vet asap.

A rabbit that has lost control of its body and cannot eat is suffering in pain through the broken leg and the tumour and is going to die anyway as the liver will be damaged through not eating. She will possibly not make it through an operation for either the tumour or broken leg due to her age and lack of fitness

It is the kinder optionWhat causes hair loss in rabbits?



Lack of carrots.

Almost definitely.
Vet asap!
i would suggest kidney problems has she had a full blood test? can the vet remove the tumour? has the back leg been put in a cast and movement been restricted? is she on metacma? pain relief or other pain relief? also i think you could try speaking to another vet if yours is being unhelpful a rabbit savvyv vet will make all the difference tho she is gettting older i would say hair loss is due to stress or illness causeing low immune system resulting in skin mites, or it oculd be to do with the cancer, please see a rabbit expierinaced vet try this forum for vets in your area someone may be able to help if she is in constant pain and the vets can do nothing for her then the kindest thing would be pts. sorry. x


