
HAIR LOSS AROUND THE EYES....of a Pomeranian Chihuahua Pup.?

what causes hair loss around the eyes of a 3 month old PUP?

We have been to the vets, and its not Mange, they used an ultra violet light to test for ring worm. So what else please can cause this as the vet isnt sure yet.

Basically I have to take the pup back for more tests if it doesnt grow back.HAIR LOSS AROUND THE EYES....of a Pomeranian Chihuahua Pup.?
To begin, one must understand what is known as the Puppy Uglies. Even though you may have seen many pictures of Pomeranians, you must understand that most pictures of a Pomeranian are not taken when he or she is going through this Puppy Uglies stage. They are taken before and after, when the Pomeranian has its wonderful, fluffy coat of fur.

When does a Pomeranian first lose its fur? It usually happens when the puppy is five or six months old. This is not set in stone. Fur loss from Puppy Uglies may happen early, at three months or late at seven months.HAIR LOSS AROUND THE EYES....of a Pomeranian Chihuahua Pup.?
It is normal for poms to loose hair on their faces at that age but you have a mixed breed so nothing is certain. You never know what you will get and how the coat will grow.
check for bad leakage in eyes

good luck

