
How do I remove Mirena if I can't find the strings?

Please do not tell me to go to the doctor. I don't know where to begin. I will just tell you what I can think of... I have lost my insurance, and cannot afford to have it removed. I lost my insurance not long getting it. I have been having serious side effects since I got it. I have had Mirena for just over two years now. I thought I was either crazy or had some serious disease with all of the symptoms. Never thought of the IUD causing it. Before this, I have never used any form of BC. I only got it as a now or never kind of thing. With the economy going south, I was afraid of job loss and subsequent insurance loss. Boy, was I right. Anyway, my hair is falling out by the handful. (I have had to call out the plumber twice in a year to unclog my drains, and I have very short hair.) My periods are lasting between one and two months on average. I am currently on week seven of this one. Long story short, I have got to get this thing out of me NOW! I finally worked up the nerve to do it and the strings are gone. I just need to know if there is any way to get them to come back out on their own. Please, help.How do I remove Mirena if I can't find the strings?
The short answer is you don't. From the limited information about self removal on the Internet the consensus I've seen from people out there is DO NOT remove it yourself. You run the risk of perforating your uterus, or other complications. You could either die from that or, if you live, you will be in a worse position than you were before. Now you will have to pay emergency services which will cost much more than a regular doctor's visit. You must go to a doctor to have it removed because the device may be up in the uterine cavity, in which case, dilation of the cervix will be necessary.

My advice, either take that road trip and find a Planned Parenthood or go to an Urgent Care facility, but DON'T do it yourself. I understand your not having insurance (an argument in favor of universal healthcare) but ending up in the hospital or infertile will have long term consequences. Make the smart decision, call your doctor or Urgent Care facility and explain your situation. It may not cost you as much as you think and it's better than ending up in the hospital with bills you can't pay.How do I remove Mirena if I can't find the strings?
Do you have a friend that you trust enough to help you? I know it sounds pretty bad, but maybe with a friend's help and a flashlight you can get it out.

Please be careful. If it's hurting you doing this, STOP ASAP
Sounds like you are in quite a pickle.

I have an Iud as well.. but haven't had the trouble you have.. if I did however, i would be at the hospital ranting lol..

You probably don't live in Canada like me .. getting free health care and all.. but seriously.. all they gotta do it pull the thing out
im not sure what to tell you maybe you just have to ask your dr if they can bill you and pay it out little by little because pulling it out yourself could really injure you in so many different ways and ive heard of them growing up inside you which could also cause problems if you try and take it out on your own so may cost more in med bills then paying to get it taken out so good luck if u do it on your own and iknow when they took mine out it wasnt by hand they used some kind of little utencil thing
... what the ****
Due to the shape of the iud, if you try and pull it out yourself you could cause serious damage that would cost more to repair than just going to the doctor in the first place. Save yourself an emergency and have it removed correctly. If you can't afford a doctor, call your local Planned Parenthood - they have clinics that work on a sliding scale income basis (as do many local health departments, and community health centers).
whats the problem you have a tampon stuck in your vag lol?

