
I have a patch with no hair on the side of my head an am only 26 Female- Causes? Solutions?

Hi. I am a 26 year old female who has a pretty large patch of no hair on the side of her head. I don't know if its getting progressively worse, however my hair is not really falling it just seems not to be growing. I don't see any abnormal hair loss when I comb my hair. I had no hair in this spot as a teenager and assumed it was because of chemical hair products, I stopped that 10 years ago and no hair has yet to grow. Also, I'm afraid that its getting worse. I tried no to pay attention to it for years assuming that it would grow back but no. I can cover 80% of the spot with hair from other sides of my head by combing it in a certain direction but at 26 I fear to be loosing hair from this side without noticing.

Also, I have other little patches of no hair growth on the front of my head- nothing major - its been there since I was a teen also but now that after all these years it has not filled of I'm afraid.

The rest of my head- the back 4/5th or so is fine- with more than enough hair to cover my whole scalp and for a ponytail that is just right- not as thick as I would like but not thin.

Does anyone know what could have caused such to happen and what could prevent such from growing?

Also, if seeking professional help would I see a dermatologist or a MD or other specialist?

Does anyone know what could possibly be causing or have caused such and what I can do in regards.

I would greatly appreciate any input.

XOXOI have a patch with no hair on the side of my head an am only 26 Female- Causes? Solutions?
Sounds as if you have recurring alopecia areata. Depending upon the severity of it, we dermatologists treat it with strong topical cortisone products, or even inject the areas with cortisone. If the disorder becomes progressive, then we might use topical immunotherapy. See your local dermatologist for help

