Hi it isnt my cat but my next door neighbours lately she has been looking very uncared for and riffy and by her tail she has lossed hair but it is sort of round circle of hairloss if that makes sense! sorry if it doesnt lol but im just really worried about it what is causing this?HELP what is wrong with this cat? (Loss of hair by tail)?
Round circles sometimes denote ... Ringworm. Ringworm can be treated by rubbing Lamisil Fungus Ointment ( athlete's foot section @ grocery store ) into the sores, a couple of times a day for a week or so. The Lamisil will cure the fungus ( ringworm is a fungus ), and if some Bitter Apple spray is sprayed over the Lamisil, the cat won't lick, bite, or chew the Lamisil off. After the ointment ';does it's thing';, and the lesions heal, the hair will grow back and never be noticed.
Of course, this could be where the cat is chewing off her hair because she's itching from FLEAS. That's a whole other problem. In that case, she should be treated for fleas, and given a steroid injection to control the itch, so that her hair can come back in.
I've had experience with BOTH of these problems, and these were the ways that I cured them.
Hope this helps .........Good luck.HELP what is wrong with this cat? (Loss of hair by tail)?
My cat Boston lost hair around his tail and other places. He had a trick where he could chase and retrieve an elastic. He had a flea allergy. We took him to different vets, treated him for fleas, treated the house and yard for fleas. We bought special shampoo and spray. We gave him pills and shots for the discomfort of his skin. He continued to bite and pull his fur out by the roots. His life was biting and scratching his skin. We considered taking him to the feline veterinary dermatologist who lives in the large town near us, but we had already spent so much %26amp; we were advised that treatment there was extremely expensive. One night Boston tried to settle down to go to sleep on my lap for 2 hours, and I became irritable. In spite of all our efforts, his fur was sparse and you could see scabs where he would bite and claw his skin. Then he ran off and died.
sounds like mange, or could be allergic to fleas or mites, cream or tabs from the vet will sort it out if it is
Sounds like mange. She needs to go to the vet.
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