
Whats happening with my body :( I am only 17!?

I am 17 and I skipped my period last month but I know it isn't because I am pregnant! Also, I have started losing more hair than I should. I am not entirely sure why because I think I have a very healthy diet which consists of fruit, yogurt, vegetables, tuna, seafood and essential fats in nuts and oils. I have recently lost a lot of weight, I am 5'4 and have gone from 157lbs to 110lbs.

I am just wondering whether a lack of iron might cause hair loss and loss of periods and whether taking a supplement could help me out? I literally am at my wits end.Whats happening with my body :( I am only 17!?
Your diet sounds healthy, but you don't say how much of these things you eat. Your BMI is 18.9, and 18.5 would be considered underweight. Could be that you have lost a little too much weight. I did the same thing at 17 and had exactly the same result - hair loss, period stopped, I also had extremely dry skin and felt cold all the time. If you have these symptoms too, don't panic and think you have to get fat. You do need to gain weight, but it's fine if it's muscle. Just eat a little more and do some load bearing exercise rather than just cardio. You need both iron and protein. Red meat and pulses are ideal. Hope this helps.Whats happening with my body :( I am only 17!?
It could definitely be a loss of iron. But I would go see a doctor and explain everything. It sounds pretty serious. Dropping that much weight over a short amount of time is not good. And losing your hair isn't either. Definitely at least call a doctor and explain your situation. My husband doesn't have insurance and he called the hospital to talk to a doctor and they talked to him for free and told him what he needed to know. If you don't have insurance or can't call a doctor, try talking to your school nurse and they may be able to give you a referral of a bunch of free clinics that can do some tests to figure out what may be wrong with you. Try to relax, though, because it could be as simple as stress and adding more on would be a bad thing.
110 lbs is very thin for 5'4. Your diet maybe healthy, but it appears to still be insufficient for your total body needs. Lack of a period and hair loss may indicate you are still not consuming enough food for your body to make the hormones necessary to maintain your cycle or keep your hair. These are signs of malnutrition.
I suggest that you go see a doctor.
go to the doc and have a battery of test done
i agree with the whole malnutrishon thing, try adding some more fatty foods to your diet, as long as you are smart about your cunsumption of fatty foods it wont make you unhealthy. you know try some chips now and then, meats and cheeses, potatoes, it isn't really an ideal weight for your hight. 5'4 should be around 125-135 lbs for an ideal weight. so try putting some weight back on, even if your eating healthy like yogurt or nuts and stuff, doesnt mean that it is healthy to ONLY eat those foods.

ALSO i don't know if it is really likely, but you should see a doctor anyways... if you lost this weight EXTREMELY fast it could be possible you may have cushing's disease, it is a diseas that effects your petuitary gland and can cause rappid weight gain or rappid weight loss. I don't know what the chances are you may have it, but it doesn't hurt to look into it. but loss of periods and loss of hair are usually signs of anerexia, even if your eating you are not eating enough.

